
Evernote. How to recover a note that have been accidentaly deleted?

The evernote application have a notebook named trash. Any time that you delete a note, the note is moved to Trash notebook. To restore a deleted note, you have to do: Go to Notebooks. Select Tra...

Improve Magento URL's for SEO

There are a lot of thing to do to improve the magento seo. But one of this is improve de Magento URL. To improve the Magento URL SEO, we need make some change in the Magneto configuration. 1. Use ...

How to add search form in Magento header template?

To add search form in Magento header, you need modify the header layout. To do it, you need edit the file app/design/frontend/default//layout/catalogsearch.xml and add next code: ...

Howto custom Google Forms style?

One of the more common things that there are in a website are the formularies. Usually the formularies content are send by email. An alternative is use the Google Forms integrated in your website. ...

Announcement of Evernote 5 for Mac

Today I have received an Email with the announcement of new Evernote 5 for mac. If you use Evernote every day, in your work and for personal things, the new Evernot 5 can be interesting for you. T...

Install nginx, php-fpm and MySQL on Mac OS X Mountain Lion

Before you start to install anyone of stack components, you need install macports. To install macports, please go to Once you have installed macports, you can start to install th...

Reinstalling Mountain Lion on my MacBook Pro

Few weeks ago I updated my mac os x from snow leopard to mountain lion. After the installation, some times the system run slow, and the last week the system run very slow. With this slow performanc...

Amazon Locker Delivery

Uno de los aspectos primordiales de la venta por Internet o e-commerce es la entrega de los pedidos al cliente. Donde los sistemas tradicionales de entrega urgente no acaban de satisfacer totalment...

Amazon Locker Delivery

Un dels aspectes cabdals de la venta per Internet o e-commerce es la entrega de les comandes al client. On els sistemes tradicionals d'entrega urgent no acaben de satisfer totalment la demanda dels...

HTTP Archive (har)

Para de analizar los tiempos de carga de una página web hay utilidades como PageSpeed ​​de Google o YSlow de Yahoo que instalados en Chrome o Firefox permiten ver los tiempos de carga de todos los ...

HTTP Archive (har)

Alhora d'analitzar els temps de càrrega d'una pàgina web hi ha utilitats com PageSpeed de Google o YSlow de Yahoo que instal·lats a Chrome o Firefox permeten veure els temps de càrrega de tots els ...

Publicada Varnish Cache 3.0.3

Se ha publicado una nueva versión de Varnish Cache, el popular acelerador de páginas Web. Entre los cambios realizados, se utiliza el sistema de integración continua Jenkins para la generación de l...